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New Styles for Everybody


Every book includes a terpene dictionary, the same five-star rating system, purchase date, spots for CBD, THC, CBG, THCA, & More! Click to view!


The Cannabis Strain Journal: Terpene Edition

Keep track of your buds!
The Weed Strain Journal includes a terpene dictionary as well as helpful words to describe your "experience" as you work your way through the journal. Track the name of your bud, percentage, and everything else your might want to remember the next time you visit the dispensary.
The newly designed journal can fit easily in your bag or tucked in your back pocket - only 5.5 inches wide!

Every page includes a spot to write down the strain name, purchase date, five-star rating system, and a unique drawing to color!

*Newly added: THC/THC-A/CBD/CBG entries, date completed, date purchased again and more!*

The Weed Strain Journal

Remember all your favorite "buds" with this one-of-a-kind strain journal!
This new and more refined edition is for any sophisticated or professional who wants to take their meditative medicine one step further!

Track the name of your bud, the classification, date purchased, percentage, and more! Never forget what you smoked again!

Includes over 80, 8"x10" pages to enter your findings. 5 star rating system!

Remember your favorite plants with this journal!

Perfect white elephant gift or present for a friend!


Refined rating system from first edition with new graphics and more varieties of weed buds to color in!

The Original Strain Journal

From the mind of a stoner who forgets what they smoke constantly comes the first edition of the "Strain Journal" which allows users to keep track of their weed strains. Keep track of all your favorite "buds" with this one-of-a-kind strain journal!

Track the name of your bud, the classification, date purchased, percentage, and more! Heart rating system with new buds on each page! Matte cover looks gorgeous sitting on any shelf or coffee table.

Includes over 80, 8"x10" pages to enter your findings. 5 hearts rating system.

Remember your favorite plants with this journal.

Wholesale available!

Wanna sell the strain journal in your store or as part of your business? Businesses who plan to purchase more than ten books for resale can get 25% off typical pricing. 

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or message me on Instagram! @potheadbook

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